
Pan American Academy Charter School enrolls over 700 students.

Admission Policy

Pan American Academy Charter School will be open to all resident children in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Students will be selected on a random basis (a lottery) from a pool of applicants who have submitted an application by the deadline.

Preference will be given in enrollment to the following applicants:

  • A child of a parent who has actively participated in the development of the charter school.
  • To siblings of students presently enrolled in the charter school.
  • To students living in the 19133 or 19134 zip code area.

Pan American Academy Charter School will not discriminate in its admissions policies or practices on the basis of intellectual ability, athletic ability, measures of achievement or aptitude, status as a person with a disability, proficiency in the English language, or any other basis. Also, the school will not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, ethnic origin, immigration status, religious beliefs, or political affiliation.

McKinney-Vento Act

Due to loss of housing, an economic hardship, or the lack of an adequate accommodation, if your family lives in any of the following situations:

  • In a shelter
  • In a car, park, abandoned building, or bus or train station
  • In a hotel or motel
  • Doubled up with other people

Your school-age children may qualify for certain rights and protections under the federal McKinney-Vento Act.  For more information, please contact the Case Manager at Pan American Academy Charter School.

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